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treesliceR 1.0.2

  • The functions for calculating rates of accumulation of phylogenetic diversity (CpD()) and phylogenetic endemism (CpE()) indexes have undergone internal changes. Previously, their outputs were sensitive to the position of species in the presence-absence matrix; this issue has now been corrected, and the position of species in the matrix no longer affects the final output.

treesliceR 1.0.1

CRAN release: 2024-02-08

  • The functions for calculating beta-diversity indexes have undergone changes in their arguments. Previously, they required a list containing each focal assemblage along with their respective adjacent cells separately, filled in the asb argument. Now, for simplicity, these functions need to be filled with a species presence-absence matrix (i.e., sites in rows and species in columns) in the mat argument and an adjacency matrix containing the focal assemblages and their respective adjacent cells in the adj argument, being the asb argument removed.

  • The internal object pass_asb has been removed. This object previously contained a list of where each object had a matrix of a focal cell and its adjacent neighborhoods for Australian passeriformes. A spatial adjacency matrix of the Australian grid assemblages has been added and stored within the AU_adj internal object.

  • The argument criteria in cutting functions has been changed to its singular form, criterion.

treesliceR 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2023-12-18

  • Initial CRAN submission.